Our client’s expansion in Romania

One of the most appreciated clients and one of the biggest travel brands worldwide, shares with us information about their immediate expansion. With 12,000+ global hotel partners, 1,000+ destinations with bookable hotels, 100% increase in global destinations since 2009, £200+ million annual turnover, 16 global sales offices providing support, 4000+ clients already profiting from the

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E BETON sa ai o cariera in turism

Tineri, frumosi, destepti, conectati la toate sursele de informatie, in cautare de provocari, inclusiv la locul de munca, fara stare, sclipitori. Asa esti cand termini scoala. Cauti ceva… Esti greu de convins, experimentezi. Iti scriu despre o varianta, o solutie pentru tine. Una buna. Intra in domeniul turismului, ia vezi, iti place? Am sintetizat 10

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